The most epic year of all time?

8 minutes
I keep thinking last year was two in one. You feel me?

But really it was one BIG OLD 2017. Some may say its the most transformative year yet..was it that way for you? I’ve had a LOT of transformation go down in my life that’s for sure..but this year tops them all.
I just had an epic download about THIS is a long one..but an important one in understanding how the seemingly impossible is always absolutely ((more than)) possible..
>>A formula for absolute magic and activating epic soul-centered flow.<<
Just about a year ago I met Naomi Ashcroft online because we were both commenting live on Katrina Ruth‘s (Kat Loterzo – a 7 figure coach who is super hilarious and up to epic things in the world..I remember watching her before I got courageous enough to start doing live-streams myself and wondered how she did it..until I started doing it too) live-stream..
Naomi sent me a message since she noticed that I too was in Bali at the same time as she was. So she invited me to meet her at Finns Beach Club, a 45-minute motorbike ride away from Ubud, to come hang with her and a gang of other entrepreneurs who happened to be in Bali too.
I didn’t at first want to go. I mean, this was so random. And i didn’t feel like driving all the way to Canggu – I had never driven that far before. But ultimately my gut feeling kept nudging me to go – it will be fun. Plus Naomi invited me to sleepover if I wanted – how generous! How could I pass up such an amazing felt too good to be true.
So I showed up at Finns, which feels a bit like how I would imagine Vegas to feel..and at first couldn’t find Naomi. I gave up and hopped in the pool and wondered if I would find her in the crowd – meanwhile got to meeting some cool peeps hanging by the poolside bar.
Then Naomi comes out of nowhere and invites me over to the crew of creators she’s invited me to meet – and suddenly I realize that I’m in the midst of some seriously bad ass people. Apparently they had all met online too through a huge FB group called the Entrepreneur Incubator.. Sal MarianoStacey SargisonDutch Nomad Family and more…
I dropped in deep with Sal for most of the experience..that was why I was meant to be there, to share the conversation we shared about emotional and energetic boundaries and empaths…while watching the most beautiful sunset ever.
Sure enough – we ended up at dinner and then couldn’t stop hanging out. We were so activated by being in one another’s presence that we actually ended up having a two day sleepover.
Just two weeks later maybe less we organized our very own mastermind at a luxury villa on a remote part of Nusa Lemongan – off the coast of Island..because WHY NOT.
We were committed to growing and expanding in new ways and we knew we had come together for a reason – we even picked up two new friends along the way who came to join us.. Kirsten Johnson and Laura Nomadicare ❤
You can watch the rest of this epic episode to TUNE INTO what we created..but it was truly miraculous.
We were brought together so divinely to help eachother in absolutely incredible ways – the universe conspired to guide us home to one another so we could expedite eachothers healing and transformation.
This is how magic really works when you listen and follow your flow.
And just like that, almost a year later on the dot, I run into Sal Mariano walking by me as I just so happened to be taking a run on the Venice Beach boardwalk (he lives in Boston usually). Of course we were brought together to recall and celebrate the magic we’ve co-created since Bali.
And of course I even ran into Sal again the next day – no joke – on the other side of Santa Monica, this time with Ozzie Osborne and Aaron McCarthy who I’m sure are other divine creators I’m supposed to co-create with for a magical purpose.
What a year ya’ll. What a life.
Looking back to the moments captured in this episode, I would have never thought that by now, one year later:
  • *I’d be living in Venice Beach, LA
  • *In love with my cosmic soul partner – beyond my wildest dreams
  • *I’ve had the biggest income year of my life – multiple six-figures being of high service sharing my divine calling and truth
  • *ASKED to write a book for a major publisher that’s now positioned to be a major best-seller, with national launches in NYC and LA plus more on the way
  • *Facilitating and co-hosting retreats around the world for visionary creators and conscious leaders eager to expand into more intimacy, love, abundance and power
  • *Invited to mastermind in Nicaragua and Costa Rica with the future leaders of the new paradigm, co-creating Heaven on Earth in this now
  • *Enjoying the most thriving friendships and family relationships EVER
  • *Opening up to new channeling and clairvoyant abilities as I expand into new realms of my consciousness, as my heart heals and avails itself to more love
  • *Speaking internationally in Bali, Costa Rica at Envision Festival and more to come
I am feeling SO fired up about my GOALS going forward, I wonder if you can even handle the bar that I am setting up for myself as it’s never been this HIGH..and its only getting higher. 
In 2018:
  • *I’m an international best-selling author of The Empath Experience that’s sold one million copies and has been translated into multiple languages
  • *I’m interviewed by Oprah on 11/11/18
  • *I get engaged to be married to the man of my dreams and father of my children (that’s right – even a few months ago I still wasn’t convinced I’d ever have children..probably because even then I wasn’t sure I’d ever meet my man!)
  • *My business scales to seven-figure revenue
  • *I create and launch a new cooperative co-creation station in Venice Beach with a group of conscious entrepreneurs and visionaries desiring to activate more love, connection, authenticity and radical expressions of creativity in our lives and businesses
  • *I travel to Australia, New Zealand and back to Bali on Tour to promote The Empath Experience
  • *I am invited to give a TED talk before the years end
  • *My Visionary Souls Podcast turns into a TV show and is run on a major media network, broadcasted to millions of viewers
  • *I launch a LIVE event in LA each month called the Visionary Souls Summit that brings together conscious heart-centered community to activate one another’s hearts, souls and clear-visionary missions – creating the kind of world we know is possible, WALKING THE WALK
How fun it is to PLAY and create the most extraordinary life beyond my wildest dreams that keep getting wilder ❤
Thank you for SEEING me if you’ve gotten this far.
Everything you’ve ever wanted is YOURS. Your desires are SO POSSIBLE. They’re waiting for you to CHOOSE them fully and RECEIVE them wholeheartedly.

What is your vision?
What are you working ON and building?
What are you CALLING in?
How are you preparing yourself to receive it ALL?
How are you invested in YOU having all the support you need to live the life you deserve?
What’s in your way of being there NOW?

Be honest.
You have the answers, you always do.
You know what you need.
Maybe you could use some support from a mirror who can remind you of who you truly are and why you’re here.
We all need that sometimes.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Quantum leaps and flying are certainly much easier that way.
I couldn’t have done any of the above without RADICALLY choosing to go ALL IN on my desires.
And set myself free.
To return to ALL THE LOVE THAT I AM.

To see myself for the brilliant soul that I came to fully embody
To see how there’s absolutely not a more perfect divine place to be that RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW WITH YOU.
For all those years of my life I didn’t want to be here because it was too hard and I felt too much…
I’m so glad the angels had my back and didn’t let me leave.
I have too much work to do.
Too much fun to have.
Too much magic to make.

And so do you.
Prepare for it ALL to be better than you can even imagine.
Divinely orchestrated.
In complete love.
With ease and grace.
In only the ways YOU are meant to experience it ALL.
I love you.
xx Sydney
Self-Mastery Mentor | Intuitive Advisor | Alchemist